5 People Who Cured Seborrheic Dermatitis with Diet Alone

I am a college student that got serborrheic dermititis and now it is haunting me. It has caused me numerous eat problems! Someone tell me the best way to treat it. I have it on my ears and the back of my head. Please help!!

Hi Karly,

This is what I’ve been doing for the past ~1.5 months:
My Seborrheic Dermatitis Skin Regimen 2.0

Previous to this, the following regimen was helpful for about a year:
My Seborrheic Dermatitis Skin Regimen

Alternatively, I’ve attempted to summarize everything I’ve tried in the past here:
Overview of Seborrheic Dermatitis Face Treatments

It’s definitely possible to make it go away.
Hope that helps. Best of luck!

Thanks for the informative article. I will keep following

My SD would begin to itch after 24 hours without a shower and get worse the longer I waited to clean my hair. I already had a lot of skin sensitivity to chemicals so I was using “Free and Clear” shampoo and conditioner. Right now my best results come from soaking my hair for a few minutes in a week apple cider vinegar solution before shampooing and conditioning. Then taking out sugar and increasing my water intake gets me to an fairly normal existence.

This would be tough in college where all the food is carb and sugars and it’s hard to eat veggies. I feel for you. Take out sugar if you can and carry a water bottle everywhere you go. Shower daily. Destress.

Hi Wendy,

Thanks for sharing and yeah it can be somewhat tough in college with this condition. However, I personally have come to believe it is not so much sugar and carbs, but in the way which we can perceive their consumption.

From everything that I have read I believe the issues is more related to improper digestion and metabolism of fats. More specifically omega-6 fatty acids. However, the explanation gets a bit tricky.

Currently my diet is fairly unrestricted and I’ve been SD free for a while. Had one incident in the summer for a bit, but this lead to me make my own product. So perhaps it may have been a blessing in disguise. Either way I still think topical products can only get you so far.

Distressing is definitely pivotal to success though.

All the best.

I suffered from SD for 6 years on my scalp and the past two years, I was noticing it was spreading and getting worse. I would see a doctor every so often and he would prescribe me a topical gel that did nothing! This summer I made a decision to go vegan, not for my head, but for other reasons. Little did I know, it would heal my head forever. I cut out meat first, and noticed the itching was subsiding. A week later I cut out ALL dairy products from an animal. Within 5 days it started to heal, and in 2 weeks in was gone completely. I couldn’t believe it! I struggled with this for 6 years, would see a doctor, nothing worked. And once I stopped eating/drinking dairy, it was gone!

Nothing to do with diet,I tried the vegan diet and all it done was make it worse and give me serious health problems,the human body is designed to consume animal flesh,don’t be fooled by all the vegan hype

Hi Michael,
Read your posts I will be looking at again. I suffer from seb. dermatitis . very hard
I was on anti candida diet for months I stopped using steroids. I have hair loss though and I am trying to see what I can use topically. Oil is a vicious cycle. J

Hi Tara,

Thanks for the update. Glad to hear you had such fantastic results from going vegan. However, this doesn’t seem like a universal solution. Every one is different and the unique environments of guts can be optimized for consumption very different diets/foods (genetics plays a big role as well). For some it may be a more vegan diet, while others it may be a more protein based diet.

All the best and hope you have a wonderful holiday season!
Look forward to any updates.

can you share with me that you drink or anoint aspirin? How much it dose?
thanks you so much

I’ve living with SB for 5 years already, and I’e tried all sorts of shampoos and treatements, still struggling with it, but I have no doubt that dairy really makes it unbearable, when ever i hava a significant amount of dairy I just cant handle it.

Biom8 greatest product I’ve ever used,I suffered for 30 years and now nothing,I’ve been using it since sept,I can’t say enough about it…

Hi Juan,

Thanks for the input. How strong has the effect from diary appear to be for you?
Without it, does the seborrheic dermatitis completely disappear?

All the best.

Hi Mark,

Happy to hear it’s still working well for you. :slight_smile:
All the best.

Hi I just want everyone to know that allllll of you yes all that have dermatitis, you all have leaky gut right now please just heal your gut, more info please check Dr axe how TO heal leaky gut. I want you all to cure yourself and have your skin back. It will take a good 3months of healing to see a good difference and also you will heal your allergies from food. PLEASE IF YOU SUFFER FROM SD THEN HEAL YOUR GUT. WE SHALL ALL CURE THIS ONCE AND FOR ALL

Hi i suffer from SD and recently began to change my diet but i think the thing that mainly causes my SD is the amount of oil my face produces it produces a huge amount and i know there is no real way to stop the oil produce even with diet so i am not sure what to so. Will the product that you have been using bio8 make my skin even oilyier? Thanks

I am a newcomer, interested in everything to get rid of this awful complaint

The main cause of seborrheic dermatitis is constipation, anemia and digestive problems. Blood and intestines cleaning , that is, a raw food diet with fruits and vegetables organic. Free pesticides and without transgenic ie without being genetically modified is necessary, you can eat kilos of fruit and vegetables, but if not organic no effect is poison anyway. Change in lifestyle as walking every day, thirty minutes of daily sun, do not be angry and to use toiletries that has chemical agents that seram absovidos the skin. Seborrheic dermatitis is caused by its wrong lifestyle over the years. Look documentaries like the ‘Monsanto’’ which shows that most of the world is contaminated food full of poisons, search on Dr.Sebi, Gerson therapy, Tina van der Maas, among others. And think about how we are manipulated and cheated every day!

The main cause of seborrheic dermatitis is constipation, anemia and digestive problems. Blood and intestines cleaning , that is, a raw food diet with fruits and vegetables organic. Free pesticides and without transgenic ie without being genetically modified is necessary, you can eat kilos of fruit and vegetables, but if not organic no effect is poison anyway. Change in lifestyle as walking every day, thirty minutes of daily sun, do not be angry and to not use toiletries that has chemical agents that seram absovidos the skin. Seborrheic dermatitis is caused by its wrong lifestyle over the years. Look documentaries like the ‘Monsanto’’ which shows that most of the world is contaminated food full of poisons, search on Dr.Sebi, Gerson therapy, Tina van der Maas, among others. And think about how we are manipulated and cheated every day!